"The leading rule for the lawyer, as for the man of every other calling, is diligence. Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done to-day. Never let your correspondence fall behind." ~ Abraham Lincoln
"A good lawyer knows the law; a clever one takes the judge to lunch." ~ Mark Twain
"If there were no bad people there would be no good lawyers." ~ Charles Dickens
Let’s Discuss Your Case
We will only accept your case if we can help you. If we can’t help you, we will find someone who can. Consultations are always free and confidential.
Call us at (208) 323-0024 for immediate 24/7 help or email us at LawDocStorer@gmail.com.
Established in 2004, Storer & Steen has become one of the top injury law firms in Idaho. We have a team of talented attorneys with experience and knowledge that you will not likely find elsewhere. Bryan Storer is a licensed physician as well as an attorney with decades experience of treating injury patients and litigating injury cases (but not at the same time). Matt Steen has experience with over 3,000 SSDI hearings as well as numerous civil trials.
We continuously strive for excellence and novel ways to apply our medical and litigation experience. From the first day we opened our law practice, our goal has always been to be the best at what we do, but also to show compassion and understanding for our injured clients. Our formula for success is simple:
We Set A High Standard For Excellence In all We Do. If we take your case, we will do everything within our power to give you the best legal representation. We promise you this: we will be relentless in pursuing your case and protecting your rights. Whether it be for a whiplash injury or a wrongful death, a dismemberment or property damage claim, a dog bite or a car accident, we will not back down until you know we have done everything we can to get you the money you are entitled to.
We Are Passionate About What We Do. We have seen firsthand how injured people are marginalized by insurance companies whose goal is to increase their profitability at the expense of injured people like you. We will not allow our clients to become another statistic in the deeply flawed insurance system. Our job is to maximize your recovery and, unlike some “high-volume boiler-room practices,” we will litigate your case without hesitation. As guardians of our constitution and civil justice system, we believe that by helping you we are also safeguarding our communities from the insurance companies’ predatory practices.
We Are Here For You. We represent all people from all walks of life. It matters not what your skin color is, your financial status, age, gender or religion. We treat everyone with equal dignity and respect. And we will NEVER switch sides and represent an insurance company or corporation who opposes fair compensation for the injured.
We Understand Your Pain And We Listen. There is more to being a good lawyer than just knowing the law (although that is important). We know you have been injured and that your life may have been turned upside down due to no fault of your own. We will assist you in your injury recovery and we will deal with the insurance companies so that you can take the time to heal. We will carry that load so that you can take care of yourself and your loved ones. Our job is to understand and to listen so that you know you are not fighting this fight alone.
Our Only Interest Is Your Best Interest. We will fight whatever fights we are called to do, but we are also pragmatic. We will structure your case so that it has a chance of settling without litigation or going to trial, but at the same time, we let the insurance companies know that we will litigate if they do not offer fair compensation for your injures. We will not settle a case unless the offer provides for full and fair compensation. Ultimately, you decide to accept an offer to settle or to litigate. However, we will only settle the case if it is in your, and yours only, best interest to do so. We will exhaust all our resources to accomplish that.
No Case Is The Same. Too many attorneys follow a “cookie cutter” approach to handling claims. In reality, every accident is different, and no injuries are identical. No whiplash injury is the same, no back and neck injury is the same. We treat you and your injuries like a person, not a case number. We form a strategy when we first meet that is based on the unique aspects of your injures so that we can maximize your compensation in a way that you deserve.
Are We Trial Ready? Bring it on! Only crazy attorneys litigate every case. However, we also know that insurance companies do not respect attorneys who will not litigate a case, and there are many of them that won’t. The insurance companies know that our firm will be ready to go to trial if called upon, and our cases will be thoroughly reviewed and prepared beforehand. We will work with you, your doctors, and other witness to prepare for trial. We will review accident and medical records and hire doctors, engineers, accountants and other expert to achieve the maximum possible recovery for you at trial.